University of Salento, Italy
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Prof. Massimo Cafaro, Ph.D.

Mailing address:

Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Innovazione
Edificio "La Stecca"
Via per Monteroni
73100 Lecce, Italy
Voice: +39 0832 297371
Fax: +39 0832 298173
Mail: massimo.cafaro AT

Last update: October 20, 2024


Associate Professor
Dept. of Engineering for Innovation
University of Salento, Italy

National Scientific qualification as full professor in the Italian higher education system, for the disciplinary field of 09/H1 - Information processing systems. (Academic Recruitment Field 09/H - Computer engineering, according to the national classification)

National Scientific qualification as full professor in the Italian higher education system, for the disciplinary field of 01/B1 - Informatics. (Academic Recruitment Field 01/B - Informatics, according to the national classification)

Research Interests

My research is focused around Parallel, Distributed and Grid/Cloud/P2P Computing. In particular, I am interested to the design and analysis of sequential, parallel and distributed algorithms in the context of data mining, machine learning, deep learning, security and cryptography, resource, data and information management in Grid/Cloud/P2P environments.


Senior Member IEEE and IEEE Computer Society
Senior Member ACM

Research Labs

I am the head of the HPC Lab and the CAMPI Lab at the University of Salento,Italy.


My Erdős number is 3 (Paul Erdős -> Douglas Robert Stinson -> Barbara Masucci -> Massimo Cafaro). In my spare time I do T'ien Shan P'ai Kung-Fu, spin and mix house tracks.

To prospective international students

Sorry, no summer internships are available in my department (and I apologize for not responding to such email requests).

To my students

Sorry, requests for additional exam trials will not be considered (and I apologize for not responding to such email requests).

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